Viva Sales

Boost sales performance with Microsoft Viva Sales 

Enhance seller productivity, collaboration and customer relationships

About Microsoft Viva sales

Microsoft Viva Sales is a new modern way of selling. It is a seller experience application that lets sellers use Office 365 and Microsoft Teams to automatically capture data into any CRM system, eliminating manual data entry and giving more time to focus on selling.

Key Features

What you’ll get

AI-driven recommendations

for sales teams

The integration of Viva Sales with Teams offers many new and exciting features that take advantage of conversation intelligence. Intelligence embedded in Viva Sales automatically transcripts the entire conversation and provides a conversation summary at the end of the call.  



You can create personalized dashboards that contain all the necessary information you need to engage with your customers. This enables easier customer relationship management. 

Unified customer data

across applications

Viva Sales brings together data from Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams and your Dynamics CRM system enabling sellers to optimize their workflow. This integration allows them to update your CRM system directly from the productivity tools.



By utilizing your current CRM platform, Microsoft Viva Sales helps lighten the load of tedious data input duties. With more consistent data management, it also enables you and your team to stay on top of customer interactions. 

Key Benefits

What you’ll gain



Viva Sales enables users to perform actions that might have been done two or three times , or even more, in the past. For example, a customer call might have resulted in taking notes in a Word document, editing them and transferring to the CRM, and writing a summary in the chat function of Microsoft Teams to update a manager or colleagues. Viva Sales brings all those applications, enables all those functions to happen with just one action. Additionally, it not only reduces but actually removes work because it can take notes for you, practically eliminating the entire post-call process. 



With that much task reduction, sales professionals can spend their time on more meaningful actions such as researching prospects, meeting with customers, and following up on requests for information.  



When team members can work together, they can accomplish more The abilities to pick up where another person left off, share insights about specific accounts, and easily display or show CRM content in existing communication channels are highly useful in streamlining teamwork within sales. 


Employee satisfaction

Viva Sales streamlines the busy work associated with sales efforts. When used in conjunction with other effective solutions and smart organization processes, it can help drive positive Digital Employee Experience (DEX). 

Leverage AI-powered sales tool to increase productivity