Secure your organization’s data across clouds, devices, and platforms

Mitigate Insider Risks with Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management 

Trusted By Many Companies

Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management 

Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management offers robust investigative capabilities that provides detailed insights into suspicious activities within your organization, helping you understand the context and motivations behind these actions, and quickly respond to mitigate impact.
Intelligently identify and take quick action on insider risks across a broad spectrum of employees’ activities such as data leaks, confidentiality violations, intellectual property (IP) theft, fraud, insider trading, and regulatory compliance violations leveraging Microsoft Purview Insider Risk solution integrated end-to-end approach.

Features of Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management

Insider Risk Analytics

Proactively identify potential insider threats without the hassle of complex configurations. Easily spot high-risk areas, leverage recommendations, and tailor your risk management policies. 

Machine Learning Templates

Streamline your risk management policies with AI-powered templates. Define risks, prioritize data repositories, and customize alert settings effortlessly. 

Contextual Risk Review

Dive deep into employee activity reports. Monitor specific users and timeframes, and gain insights through dashboard alerts to focus your investigations effectively. 

Case Management

Investigate, collaborate, and take action on issues generated by your risk policies. Ensure effective case resolutions are the heart of your insider risk management strategy. 

Benefits of Purview Insider Risk Solution

Cross-Platform Security

Consolidate user activity signals from various sources, enhancing your ability to detect insider risks across all interaction points with company data and assets. 

Data Protection

Leverage Microsoft’s data loss prevention and adaptive protection capabilities to stop high-risk users from sharing sensitive data through web browsers. 

Streamline Risks Mitigation

Minimize the impact of potential security incidents while reducing administrative overhead. Let your security team work productively with automated risks mitigation workflows. 

Collaborative Investigations

Assign alerts and cases to dedicated owners, collaborate with units and groups, and ensure swift resolution of risks through streamlined communication. 

Identity Protection

Privacy is paramount. Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Solution prioritizes it by using pseudonyms to replace identifiable user details. Protect employee identities and eliminate bias during investigations. 

Accelerated Time to Action

Speed up the entire process of risks resolution with intelligent tools that enable you quickly identify and remediate insider risks.” 

Safeguard your data and organization's reputation against Insider Risks